In this experimental animated short from Renaud Hallée, we travel inside a mysterious mechanism made up entirely of revolving gearwheels, triangles and lines. In this whirling, hypnotic world, dozens of tiny gymnasts leap, somersault and twist through the air. Their spirited acrobatics trigger both narrative and musical sequences that are mesmerizing and, at times, dizzying. Half-figurative and half-abstract, The Clockmakers is a playful creation that is sure to captivate and dazzle its audience.
Category Archives: Animation
“Pure geometry” by Romanowsky
Short movie, which i had made by playing with different styles of animation
Project on Behance:
sound background:
Vector Lovers – Clandestine
Night Stroll by tao tajima
Tokyo night stroll.
Music : Ris Paul Ric / Purple Blaze
Geometric Poetry by Stephan Kloss
„Geometric poetry“ was selected for screening at:
10th INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL IN THE PALACE, Varna, Bulgaria, 2012, nominated for „best experimental“
26. Internationales Filmfest Braunschweig, Germany, 2012
Skepto International Film Festival, Cagliari, Italy, 2013
„Geometric Poetry“ is an experimental film composed and animated by Stephan Kloß in 2011.
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